Earn Revenue
Different ways to earn
Get from 1.3% to 5% daily or monthly revenue on your crypto
Active EarningsEarn revenue by simply holding |
Staking EarningsEarn revenue by securing networks |
Long-term EarningsEarn revenue by holding long term of up to 6 months |
For |
All Eligible Users |
Intermediate Users |
Advanced Users |
Assets |
All |
Ethereum, and other |
Bitcoin, and other |
Use Case |
You want to hold an asset for a longer period of time |
You want to hold an asset and secure the network |
You want to hold an asset and don’t think it will appreciate significantly in the next week |
Rate |
Up to 1.3% daily, updated daily |
Up to 3% daily, variable monthly |
Up to 5% daily, variable weekly |
Earned |
Daily |
Daily |
Weekly |
Paid |
Daily |
Daily |
Weekly |
Withdraw |
Anytime |
Anytime |
Anytime |
Get started with just $10
How to get started
Choose from leading crypto assets.
Move as little as $10 to an Active, Staking, or Long-term Revenue Account.
Receive revenue directly in your account.